Types of Disinfectants one must know about

Which disinfectant will be best for your facility?

In this time when the pandemic is knocking on everyone’s door, things have grown serious. Nobody knows how and when it will strike. As many healthcare centers are suggesting appropriate measures and maintaining social distancing but still one must be one step ahead and start by introducing sanitization and disinfectant habits.

So, why one must disinfect?

Every kind of environment has some good bacteria and bad ones too with other organisms. Most of them are harmless but some of them cause severe diseases and they are called pathogens. They are quite deadly and dangerous. The ones that cause contagious have made their names in history by causing SARS-CoV-2 and now COVID-19.

There is a very thin line of protection preventing people from getting into the traps of this disease. Application of the right type of disinfectant can protect you well and keep your loved ones safe. Make a routine of using the disinfectants regularly to prevent the spread of diseases and sicknesses such as COVID-19, common cold, influenza, and even plague.

In this pandemic situation, we all know we need to be safe and protect our family also and you have to do sensitization in your home, office. If you want to hire someone or want to know the price of service then visit here:- Sanitization& Disinfection Services in Noida

In the market, you will find a wide array of disinfectants so, how will you make out which one will suit your condition best. But first, you need to understand how these disinfectants work. Their advantages and disadvantages should be clear to you so that, you can pick the right one to protect the people in your house or facility.

How disinfectant work

Disinfectants are chemical compounds that are either applied or sprayed on non-living objects and surfaces. They are known to destroy the viruses, fungi, bacteria, mildews, mold living on the surface. As a general rule, the disinfectant must be certified and must be registered according to the government rule. In the disinfectant, it’s the “active ingredient” that kills pathogens and can disrupt the cells in the process.

It is for this reason that these ingredients are aided by other substances that cater to various needs. Like for instance, surfactants are added to the formula of the disinfectant to help with the cleaning. Or the addition of certain compounds to give it a good odor. You will find different types of disinfectants catering to different requirements. So, you must find one that will suit you. Let’s look at some of the types to understand them better.

Main types of disinfectants

There are many categories of disinfectants available in the market for commercial, industrial, and household purposes. We have compiled some of the common types that we come across in our daily life. They are not too much but conclude the majority of them that are used today. If you have more doubts you can search more about them individually. So, read them to understand the best disinfectant that would suit your requirement.

Hydrogen peroxide

When you are going through the list of safe disinfectants, hydrogen peroxide will come up as the safest and environment-friendly disinfectant. They are a sustainable option to protect the environment from damage. It is so because on releasing it simply breaks down into oxygen and water. They also tend to kill a large spectrum of viruses and bacteria quickly. These mildly acidic disinfectants are efficient cleaners.

They are often used in ready-to-use sanitizers and are effective in killing SARS-CoV-2 in less than one minute.

Quaternary Ammonium compounds (Quats)

In hospitals and institutes, Quats are the first choice for initiating disinfection. They come as the first preference because of their quick action against a large spectrum of microbes and low cost. It can be formulated using detergents that will provide both the disinfecting and cleaning properties. There are varieties of ready-to-use disinfectants that use Quats to tackle viruses and bacteria effectively.

Chlorine compounds

Chlorine compounds kill a variety of viruses and bacteria. They are highly considered to clean bodily fluids. People prefer this disinfectant due to its inexpensiveness and its fast working formula on the viruses is an added advantage. Still, its corrosive nature can cause discoloration and irritation if not used properly. One of the best examples of chlorine disinfectant is Chlorine Sanitizer II and is used in most food preparation processing and healthcare settings.


In fighting against coronavirus, alcohols have become the most effective disinfectant. Alcohol becomes effective against a large number of bacteria and viruses when diluted in water. You will require a high concentration of disinfectants to wet the surfaces. The only downside is that they evaporate fast and don’t remain on the surface to kill the germs. Safety precautions need to be taken in case you are using alcohol-based disinfectants as they are highly flammable. Another point to remember is that they may not be effective in the presence of organic matter such as blood or plasma.

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When tuberculosis was wreaking havoc, it was disinfectants containing aldehydes that were brought into action to handle the bacteria. They need high part per million ratios to disinfect effectively. Recently certain bacteria have developed strong resistance to this agent. It has also been noticed that they cause serious health issues such as asthma. The greasy residue left behind by the disinfectant is another problem one must face. It should be used as an alkaline solution.


These chemicals are mainly used to disinfect semi-critical medical equipment. The drawback associated with the Iodophors is that they leave stained surfaces and unpleasant odor behind. It has long lost its importance in medical facilities nowadays.

Phenolic compounds

Phenols and their compounds are known to be effective agents against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Those who have used it know that how corrosive and toxic these compounds can be. They attack the harmful organisms but destroy the surfaces simultaneously. In some of the places, you can even find the disposal restrictions on phenols.

If you are having a problem picking the best disinfectant and sanitizer based on your requirement, you can always call disinfectant and sanitization service providers in Delhi, NCR. They can help you choose a perfect plan for disinfecting your commercial property or household.

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