How to Get Rid Of Rodent Infestation?

Rodents are the destroyers that can destroy almost everything in your house. Nobody likes to have rodents at their house and if you are also facing too many rat problems then this article is for you. Well, the best way to get rid of any pest infestation is to call Pest Control Company, but even if the professionals come for the extermination of the pest you are responsible for the infestation. Because you may have done a few mistakes that shouldn’t have made if you want the pests to stay out of your house.

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This article is for all those who are facing rodent problems at home or anywhere else. By doing the following tips we are going to discuss for you all you can get rid of the rat or rodent problem.

Signs You May Have Rats or Rodents in House

Before you will learn how to treat rodents you must know whether you have a rodent problem at home or not. So, we are discussing the common signs of rodent infestation that will help you to know you have rats at home.

Rodent Nests

Many of you may not know this, but yes rodents do have nests where they start living. They make their nests with anything that they find like cloth, cotton, bits of paper shredding, etc. Rodents love to stay in a dark and abandoned place so that they won’t get disturbed by any human activities. The most loved places are walls, and attics, under or between the floors, etc. where they hide or make their nests.

Rubbing marks or scratches

Rodents will search for the food in your house and while finding the food they may come in contact with the wall or even on the floor they leave dirty greasy marks because of the rodent’s oily fur. So, look for such marks.


You know that rats or rodents gnaw almost everything and do this mostly at night. If you hear any strange noises, especially at night then it’s nothing else than rats at your home. Also, you will hear them running from their nests to the place where they have found the food. So, while traveling between their nests and feeding place you will hear some noises.

Gnawing Marks

If you see strange holes in bags, clothes, plastic containers, cardboard, and even in your plumbing, you could have rats. Rodents chew or gnaw almost anything in the search of food and water.

You have spotted a rodent

The most obvious sign of rodent infestation is seeing one at your home. If you have seen one or two rats together running or searching for food in your house then your house has invaded by the rats.

What to Do To Get Rid of Rodent Problem?

  • There are numerous ways to get rid of rodents and keep them away from your house. These include the following things: –
  • Seal any gaps and holes outdoors that can help the rodents to come inside.
  • Always keep the tree limbs and shrubbery near your house trimmed so that you can spot the rats easily.
  • Never keep your storage containers directly on the floor or else the rats will easily reach them and build their nests. Keep it at least 18 inches off the floor.
  • Don’t buy a house that has a wooden floor instead you must have a concrete floor in basements as the rodents can chew through the wood flooring.
  • Keep your foods in rodent-proof containers otherwise the rodents will contaminate the food.
  • Trash attracts rodents so, you should use heavy-duty metal or plastic containers for keeping trash.
  • Clutter gives opportunities to the rodents to hide so, you must reduce the clutter at home and do not store anything on the floor.

So, these are the things that you can do to stop rodent infestation or get rid of a rodent problem. Apart from this, you can also set traps with food bait and rat poison to kill and eliminate rats from your place. But, this can be dangerous for you and your family, especially children and pets. To safely and effectively eradicate the rat problem you can contact professional and experienced Pest Control Company. They are experts in getting rid of household pests and can help you keep rodents at bay.

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